Indicator 1 - Graduation Rate
Strategies and Resources

This page describes indicator 1 of the State Performance Plan required by IDEA 2004 and lists strategies for improvement and resources. Indicator 1 of the State Performance Plan required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 is the percent of youth with IEPs graduating from high school with a regular diploma.

Strategies for Improving Indicator 1


Policies, Procedures and Practices

Training, Professional Development, and Technical Assistance

Resources for Improving Indicator 1

National Resources

American Institutes for Research (AIR): College & Career Readiness

Moving Your Numbers - Key Practices
Moving Your Numbers provides examples of real districts that are positively affecting the performance of all children, including students with disabilities, through collective and focused commitment to improving teaching and learning for every student through effective data use and changing the ways in which adults across the system work and learn together. The Key Practices section of this website features subpages on each of the six key practices such as using data well, focusing on goals, selection and implementation of instructional practices and monitoring and provision of feedback and support, among others and including a Key Practices Guide.

National Center on Educational Outcomes - Graduation Requirements for Students with Disabilities - Publications and Other Graduation Requirements Resources

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition - Graduation and Re-engagement

State Resources/Materials

Florida Department of Education - Education Information and Accountability Services (EIAS) Publications and Reports

Florida Department of Education - Graduation Requirements

Professional Development

Florida's Professional Development Portal - Graduation Requirements Online Training Module

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