Mental Health

Mental Health is an important consideration within secondary transition, which involves a number of life changes. Youth with mental health disabilities are often at risk for dropping out of high school, leading to poor post-school outcomes, such as employment and post-secondary education.

Transition services should be specific to individuals’ mental health needs in order to lead to positive outcomes. Components that lead to positive outcomes include community partnerships, consistency in services, developing positive relationships with families and communication with outside support services. A successful transition may involve a multifaceted team, involving the individual, their family, school, community and mental health professionals to collaborate with educational and mental health agencies since transition occurs across life domains (academic, employment, independent living/community, mental health, health, etc.). 

This section of the website references resources and supports available to students during secondary transition.

The Multiagency Network for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities (SEDNET)
SEDNET is a network of 19 regional projects that are comprised of the major child-serving agencies, community-based service providers, students, and their families. Local school districts serve as fiscal agents for each local regional project. Within this framework, SEDNET focuses on developing interagency collaboration and sustaining partnerships among professionals and families in the education, mental health, substance abuse, child welfare, and juvenile justice systems serving children and youth with and at-risk of E/BD. Florida’s statewide network of SEDNET projects serves as a collaborative resource for school districts, agencies and families working to promote positive educational and community-based outcomes for children with E/BD.

SEDNET currently focuses on the following five initiatives:

Florida Local Youth Mental Health Resource Guides
This collection of resource guides from Florida school districts provides local mental health support resources for each district through the SEDNET Regional Project Managers. State- and national-level resources are also included. The resource link is a “live binder” of collected resources which means it will be actively reviewed and updated throughout the school year. The 2019-2020 Local Mental Health Resource Guides can be accessed through the following link:


Internal Resources

Project 10 - Bullying Resources

Project 10 - Mental Health Support for Students Transitioning to Adulthood in Florida

External Resources

Enhancing Career Development Engagement and Self-Determination for Young Adults with Mental Health Diagnoses
This document reviews key factor to intervening and working toward successful employment for young adults with mental health diagnoses.

Foster Club
A national, web-based network for foster children, including resources and information to support their overall well-being. This site includes the Transition Toolkit to help youth plan for life after foster care.

NAMI on Campus
Provides information to support mental health on college campuses and lead to successful and enjoyable experiences for students who face mental health challenges. Local campus clubs can also be identified by students who want to join in the efforts on their campus.

Pathways Research and Training Center (RTC) for Transition-Age Youth
This website features resources and information on effective service delivery for transition-age youth with serious emotional and behavioral challenges with a focus on four areas: self-determination and positive identity; youth and young adult-directed decision making; skills needed for adult roles; and supportive relationships with peers and adults.

Postsecondary Transition for Young Adults with Disabilities
A resource from the National Association for School Psychologists that provides information on transition services and considerations for students with disabilities as well as highlighting the role of family, the student and the Individual Education Team.

Quick Guide: Mental Health - Secondary Transition
The National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: the Collaborative (NTACT:C) developed a quick guide to mental health and secondary transition, which features information and resources related to the role of mental health within secondary transition and implications for administrators, practitioners and families. 

Strength of Us
An online community for connecting and inspiring young adults who have been impacted by mental health disorders with various resources for overcoming the challenges faced.

Transition to Adulthood for Youth with Challenging Behaviors: Transition Planning Tips for Parents
This tip sheet developed by the Pacer Center features a checklist for parents and is a tool to help increase parent and family involvement in transition planning.

Transition for Youth with ED/BD (Online Module)
This free online module, developed by the Transition Coalition, provides information on the transition supports needed for students with emotional and behavioral disabilities.

Youth Move National
Information and resources on a national, youth-led organization focused on improving services and systems to youth that have experienced the mental health, juvenile justice, education and child welfare systems.

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