Guardianship removes an adult’s right to make decisions about the areas of his or her life that a court has deemed the person is not competent to make. The law refers to a person for whom a guardian has been appointed as a “ward” of that guardian. See guardianship resources linked below.
Each of Florida’s guardianship statutes require that, even when a right has been taken from an individual and given to a guardian or guardian advocate, that guardian is still required, to the extent possible, to consider the individual’s wishes and to allow the individual to participate in decisions affecting their life.
Whether an individual can give consent to a decision depends on the complexity and the seriousness of the decision to be made. Those who can recognize their own need for help with decision-making may not require guardianship, but only advice, information, and assurance when evaluating other options that may be available rather than pursuing guardianship. There are alternatives to guardianship that can serve to meet these needs. Refer to the list of decision-making options on this page.
Age of Majority and Transfer of Rights
According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the transfer of parental rights can take place when a child with a disability reaches the age of majority under State law which applies to all children (except for a child with a disability who has been determined to be incompetent under State law)." In Florida, individuals reach the age of majority and receive the transfer of their rights at age 18 (Section 743.07, Florida Statutes (F.S.). In other words, at age 18, the right and responsibility to make decisions transfers from the parent to the child.
Turning 18 - Changes to Expect
Disability Rights Florida - Explains the five areas of change for a youth who turns 18.
Florida School Systems - Students Turning 18
It is best practice for the upcoming transfer of rights to be discussed with the student and parents well in advance of the student's 18th birthday. Preparing students for decision-making about their lives is a powerfully important process. By the time the student turns 17, Florida House Bill 19 (2023) requires the student's individual education plan (IEP) to contain information on self-determination and the legal rights and responsibilities that transfer to the student at age 18. This information must include the ways in which the student may provide informed consent to allow the parents to continue to participate in educational decision-making. This includes the following:
Decision-Making Alternatives: Choosing the Best Option
When selecting a decision-making alternative, it is suggested that the best option is the one that will give the student who is becoming an adult the maximum amount of decision-making ability while also safeguarding his/her health and general welfare. Some of the options listed below can be combined in a way that matches the level of assistance that the young adult needs. Finding the right balance between assistance and autonomy is the key to ensuring the student has the opportunity to lead the most self-determined life possible.
Supported Decision-Making
This option allows the student to make his/her own decisions with the option to get support from a group of trusted family members, friends and/or professionals. With this model, an individual can choose to make the decisions he/she wishes to make and choose to access assistance where needed. The National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making explains, "Supported Decision-Making is just a fancy way of describing how we all make choices. We all need help making decisions, every single day." Find out more on their website -
While supported decision-making does not have legal authority, some are advocating for legal recognition. Supported decision-making pilot projects are being conducted in multiple states, including Florida.
Mid-Range Decision-Making Options
Mid-range decision-making options include a variety of choices that can be used individually or combined to provide the amount of support an individual needs. These options are described as follows:
More Restrictive Options
American Civil Liberties Union. (n.d.). Supported decision-making: Frequently asked questions.
Disability Rights Florida. (n.d.). What are the alternatives to guardianship?
Florida Developmental Disabilities Council. (2016.). Developing abilities and restoring rights: A
guide for supporting persons with disabilities.
Florida Medicaid. (n.d.). Special needs trust.
The Florida Bar, (2018). Guidance
offered for parents of teens with special needs.
House Bill 19. (2023).
The National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making.
(n.d.). Stories of supported
Section 393.12, Florida Statutes. (2021).
Section 402.33, Florida Statutes. (2021).
Section 709.2102, Florida Statues (2021).
Section 709.2208, Florida Statutes. (2021).
Section 744.2102, Florida Statutes. (2021).
Section 744.3115, Florida Statutes. (2021).
Section 765.401, Florida Statutes (2021).