Resources - Guardianship

Access the Vote - Inclusive Elections for ALL
Provides instructions to ensure voters with a disability have access to voting. 

American Civil Liberties Union
This section of the website provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about supported decision-making.  

Brink is a nonpartisan, non-profit 501(c)(3) seeking to make the democratic process more accessible to people with disabilities using technology, design, and behavioral science. 

Center for Parent Information and Resources - Getting Ready for When Your Teen Reaches the Age of Majority - A Parent’s Guide
This online tip sheet covers many relevant topics related to the transfer of parental rights to the student. 

Cost for Guardianship
An infographic that explains the cost of establishing guardianship for a child with a developmental disability in Florida using the expedited guardian advocate application process.

Developing Abilities and Restoring Rights: A Guide for Supporting Persons with Disabilities
This guide was developed to raise awareness about ways to develop abilities in the area of legal rights among persons with disabilities and to provide information on restoring rights that have been removed by a court. 

Disability Rights Florida - Turning 18 & Other Options
Explains things that change when youth turn 18.  

Disability Rights Florida: What Are the Alternatives to Guardianship
This section of the website describes different alternatives to guardianship that can be put into place to assist individuals to understand the risks and benefits attached to decision-making alternatives. 

Florida Developmental Disabilities Council - Developing Abilities and Restoring Rights
A Guide for Persons with Disabilities: This guide provides educational materials in the area of legal rights. There is also an accompanying workbook.  

Florida Developmental Disabilities Council - Lighting the Way to Guardianship and Other Decision-Making Alternatives - A Manual for Individuals and Families
This resource provides information in English and Spanish. Additional FDDC Lighting the Way resources are available, including fact sheets, online training and a booklet on making life decisions designed for individuals with disabilities. 

Exemption from Selective Service Registration
Explains registration requirements for men with a disability turning 18. 

Exploring My Decision-Making Options
See the checklist on pages 7-8 that assists a person with a disability to determine the types of support needed for decision-making. 

Family Network on Disabilities (FND) - Planning is Crucial: Guardianship and Alternatives
This webinar provides a deeper dive into the issues surrounding guardianship and decision-making alternatives. 

Guardianship Options Video
This video was created by Family Network on Disabilities (FND) and provides explanation of guardianship options for parents. 

Legal Survival Guide
This guide discusses a number of legal issues relating to attaining the age of majority in Florida. It helps high school students prepare for their transition to adulthood and enter an exciting world of rights, responsibilities and obligations.

The Florida Bar and GAPS Legal, PLLC -
This website walks families through a step-by-step process about decision-making options with opportunities to choose specific paths that are of special interest. 

The Florida Bar, Pro Bono & Legal Aid
This web page provides information about legal services at reduced rates. 

Florida Statutes Related to Guardianship and Other Decision-Making Alternatives
[393.102; 402.33; 709.2012; 709.2208; 744.102; 765; 765.401]

Guardian Advocate Glossary
In addition to providing a definition for more than 40 terms, this resource also provides links to the 20 circuit court locations that serve Floridians. 

The National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making
The National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making (NRC-SDM) brings together varied partners to represent the interests of older adults and people with I/DD and to advocate for changes in law, policy and practice to increase self-determination and demonstrated SDM to be a valid, less-restrictive alternative to guardianship. 

PACER Center, Prepare Your Child for Age of Majority and Transfer of Rights
This resource explains how parents can prepare their child with a disability to prepare for the transfer of rights. 

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