The Arts

Many students with disabilities are passionate artists. Some of these students may want to find resources to continue creating/participating in their artistic endeavors and connecting with others who share their same interests. Others may want to go one step further to pursue a career in the arts. The resources below may be used to explore careers in the arts including what the fields are, how much the positions pay, what kind of training is needed and resources related to supporting people's interests in the arts.

Careers in the Performing Arts 
This web page contains information regarding a variety of performing arts careers that may be of interest. It offers articles from the Occupational Outlook Handbook, which include detailed job descriptions, information regarding the work environment, employment outlook, educational and training requirements and average earnings.

Florida Centers for Independent Living Locator
Centers for Independent Living are community-based, non-profit agencies that empower persons with disabilities to move from dependence to independence. They provide information and referral services, advocacy, independent living skills training, peer counseling, and support for persons with significant disabilities who seek independence and self-reliance. 
Don't forget to check out your local government, many of them have a division of the arts, and also local craft stores which frequently have connections to art events in the community.

Occupational Outlook Handbook
The Occupational Outlook Handbook, compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, provides information on hundreds of different types of jobs. Jobs are arranged by occupation groups; visitors can also utilize the A-Z option which has all of the jobs listed in alphabetical order. For example, clicking on 'A', you can find 'Actors.' Then on the "Actors" page, you can find information such as: 'What Actors Do', 'Work Environment', 'How to Become an Actor', 'Pay', 'Job Outlook', 'State and Area Data', 'Similar Occupations', and additional information including links to O*NET.

Putting Creativity to Work: Careers in the Arts for People with Disabilities (pdf)
This publication, published by the Social Security Administration’s Office of Employment Support Programs, provides information on careers in the visual, performing or literary arts as well as information describing more than 110 arts-related careers.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics | K-12 Student Section
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics offers a variety of information. Students can navigate to Career Exploration for Students. This site provides information and a separate category for Music and Arts. Under 'Music and Arts,' there are sections describing 'What the Job is Like', 'How Do You Get Ready', 'How Much Does This Job Pay', 'How Many Jobs Are There', 'What About the Future', and 'Where Can You Find More Information'. This easy to read website is a great place to start.

VSA Florida
The mission of VSA Florida is to provide, support and champion arts education and cultural experiences for and by people with disabilities. Their vision is to create a world in which the arts are universally accessible.  VSA Florida does this by:

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