Online Training Opportunities

This page provides information and links to online transition-related courses from Project 10 and other partners. The courses are designed for new teachers or those who need a refresher in selected secondary transition requirements and effective practices. The courses may also be used by other stakeholders who desire to expand their knowledge of Florida's secondary transition requirements and related practices. The courses are available on the BEESS Portal - Professional Development Alternatives.

The Project 10 online courses are self-paced, independent study. Upon successful completion, participants can print a certificate that may be submitted to the district for possible in-service points.
To register for and access Project 10 online courses, go to the Personnel Development Portal and log in. The courses are as follows:

  1. Graduation Requirements
    Describes the various high school completion options available to public school students in Florida. Specific emphasis is placed on options for students with disabilities. The Graduation Options Chart can be located from the Project 10 Publications page.
  2. Secondary Transition
    This course provides secondary transition staff and other exceptional student education teachers with information and activities on all aspects of transition. The course covers transition activities, assessment, the transition IEP, the summary of performance, and self-determination and self-advocacy.
  3. Early Warning Systems to Increase Graduation Success Students with Disabilities
    This no-cost, self-paced course provides instruction for district and school staff on Early Warning Systems (EWS) and the data-sorting and color-coding system developed by Project 10: Transition Education Network. Implementing an EWS is recognized as an evidence-based strategy to increase the likelihood of the on-time graduation of high school students and decrease dropout rates. Information on how to access and utilize data and a deeper dive into root-cause analysis are embedded in the course to support effective identification of at-risk students and intervention selection. Effective practices implemented in Florida districts are also shared. 

Related Online Courses Available

Postsecondary Education and Universal Design for Learning
This online module was developed by the Florida Consortium on Postsecondary Education and Intellectual Disabilities for postsecondary educators, but the concepts, strategies, and benefits it presents are applicable to other grade levels. It takes about 2 hours to complete.

For questions regarding online training opportunities, contact Donna Phillips, Project 10 Director, at or (727) 873-4654.

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