Training by Request

The training presentations listed below are available upon request by school district personnel and instructional staff. Please contact the Regional Transition Representative (RTR) for your region to schedule training. RTR contact information is available by clicking on your county or region on the Florida map found on our Districts by Region page.

Presentations may be tailored to district needs and available time. Most presentations can be adjusted to fit in a 1 to 3-hour time frame. The Project 10 Overview is shorter, as noted below. Average times are listed in parentheses.

Most trainings are offered at the school district level. In addition, RTRs schedule Regional Institutes in the winter months where speakers and planning activities address topical issues related to one or more of the four IDEA transition indicators.

Project 10 Training List with RTR Contact Information (available for download)

Training List 

Career and Technical Education and Students with Disabilities: An Overview of Requirements, Substitution Opportunities and Considerations
This training provides participants information and context relevant for assisting students with disabilities utilize career and technical education (CTE) courses and programs to support high school standard diploma attainment and enhance career readiness. Overviews of standard diploma pathways (with an emphasis on those associated with CTE courses) and transition planning activities and requirements lend themselves to the crux of the training- how to leverage CTE opportunities to support students with disabilities achieve their postsecondary goals. Included in the training are course substitution guidance, alignment table samples, accommodations and modifications considerations and a walk-through of a comprehensive Project 10 resource titled, "Career and Technical Education Course Substitutions: The Who, What, When, Why and How". (1.5-2 hours) Training Objectives

Community-Based Instruction (CBI)
Provides information about CBI and clarifies the differences between CBI and field trips as well as CBI and community-based vocational education (CBVE). The presentation includes instructions for beginning a new CBI program. (2 hours) Training Objectives

Deferment and Extended Transition Programming (ages 18-22): Information for Parents, Families and Community-Based Transition Stakeholders
This training will assist parents, families, and community-based transition stakeholders, develop an understanding of the process and eligibility requirements for deferring a student's high school diploma. Included in the training will be federal and state legislation, timelines of required deferment-related activities, highlights of relevant transition individual education plan activities and component and overviews of various extended transition programs and postsecondary options. Project 10 and Florida Department of Education resources will be shared with participants. (1.5 hours) Training Objectives

Discovery Process for Students in Transition, Part 1: Overview of the Discovery Process in Florida
As the first part in a two-part training on the Discovery Process for potential Discovery Team Facilitators, this training provides an overview of the history and benefits of the Discovery Process, in addition to resource identification for implementation. (2-3 hours) Training Objectives

Discovery Process for Students in Transition, Part 2: Developing Florida Discovery Student Profiles, Representational Portfolios, and Visual Résumés
As the second part in a two-part training on the Discovery Process for potential Discovery Team Facilitators, this training provides information on interviews and observations as well as the Student Discovery Profile, representational portfolios and visual résumés. (2-3 hours) Training Objectives

Graduation Requirements
Graduation requirements change from time to time based on legislation. Each year, the Florida Department of Education publishes a flyer that describes the high school graduation requirements for students entering grade nine. This training was adapted from an online professional development course developed in partnership with the Project 10: Transition Education Network, the Florida Department of Education, and The Personnel Development Support Project at the Florida Center for Interactive Media. This training will focus on topics related to graduation requirements including college and career readiness skills; graduation rates for Florida’s students with Disabilities; Florida high school completion options, including those restricted to students with disabilities; and the necessary criteria for students with disabilities to defer receipt of the standard diploma. (2-3 hours) Training Objectives

It’s T.I.M.E. for Dynamic Dropout Prevention: Scaling Up Student Engagement and School Climate for Student Success 
Reviews federal uniform graduation and dropout rate calculations, explain strategies to increase student engagement that result in decreased dropout rates (e.g., early warning systems [EWS]) and describe dropout withdrawal codes including helpful hints on locating and re-engaging students who have dropped out. The training also includes a Student Engagement Best Practice Checklist which will assist districts to identify student engagement strategies to implement. (2-3 hours) Training Objectives

Job Development
This training is intended to familiarize exceptional student education teachers and transition staff with the basics of evidence-based strategies for job development for students with disabilities. This training expands on the current online module. (2 hours) Training Objectives

Know Your Secondary Transition Legislation 2021-2024
This training describes and explains the transition-related legislation developments since 2021. The training will assist transition stakeholders to understand how the legislation is implemented and how it benefits students with disabilities. (1-1.5 hours) Training Objectives

Powerwalk through Project 10's Publications, Trainings, and Website
This training provides participants with a review of the Project 10 website and the resources that are available to all transition stakeholders, such as school district personnel, families, community organizations, agencies and discretionary projects. Participants will also learn how to navigate through the Project 10 website to locate the information they need. (45-90 minutes) Training Objectives

Project 10 Overview 
Reviews Project 10 resources, strategies, and initiatives including capacity building, interagency collaboration, transition legislation and policy development, and student development and outcomes. (30-45 minutes; 45-60 minutes with website tour) Training Objectives

School-Based Enterprise (SBE) Development: Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating
Provides supporting research and describes a process with brainstorming activities for planning and implementing a School-Based Enterprise. (2-3 hours) Training Objectives

Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy
This training has been updated to describe the essential nature of self-determination skills for all students and assist teachers to understand the importance of their role in teaching students self-determination and self-advocacy skills. Methods to integrate self-determination instruction into a variety of educational settings will also be discussed. (2-3 hours) Training Objectives

Standing Up For Me - Plus (SUFM+)
The SUFM+ curriculum has been updated at the high school level and is available for use. Contact the Regional Transition Representative for your region to schedule a training and receive access to the curriculum. (2-3 hours) Training Objectives

The Future Starts Now: Preparing for Secondary Transition in Middle School
Do you envision middle school as a launching point for secondary transition and adult life? Participants in this training will learn about activities and strategies that support students to transition from elementary school to middle school and from middle school to high school. This training will help participants to understand the importance of keeping the students' long-term needs in mind during the middle school years. (2-3 hours) Training Objectives

The Summary of Performance: Requirements and Suggested Practice 
Walks participants through the components of the Florida SOP with examples and discusses additional considerations such as students with special diplomas and resources. (2-3 hours) Training Objectives

Transition Basics: Information for Families and Others Who Support Students with Disabilities
Reviews research on the importance of family involvement, transition services, individual educational plan (IEP) components, self-advocacy and self-determination, responsibilities of schools, families and students, and resources supporting family involvement in transition planning. The goal of this training is to help families of students with disabilities and others who support students with disabilities understand the secondary transition process and how best to participate in student post-school success. (2-3 hours) Training Objectives

Using Deferment and Extended Transition Programming (ages 18-22) to Support Postsecondary Readiness for Students with Disabilities
This comprehensive training will assist school districts to develop a solid understanding of the process and eligibility requirements for deferring a student's high school diploma. Included in the training will be federal and state legislation, timelines of required deferment-related activities, implications for transition individual education plan teams, college and career readiness skills, postsecondary options, and an overview of various extended transition programs. Furthermore, frequently asked deferment-related questions and a review of logistical guidance and quality practices to assist school districts and IEP teams will be embedded in the training. Training Objectives

Using School-level Data to Increase Graduation Success of Students with Disabilities, Part 1: An Early Warning System (EWS)
Details how schools and districts can use early warning system (EWS) data to promote timely graduation and post-school success. This training will include information on how to access and utilize data to impact graduation rates at the school level and interventions to help students graduate. In addition, effective practices implemented in other districts across the state will be shared. (2-3 hours) Training Objectives

Using School-level Data to Increase Graduation Success of Students with Disabilities, Part 2: Strategies and Interventions
This training is a continuation of the Part 1 training with a deeper dive into data analysis; identification of students' root cause of being at-risk of dropping out of high school; and the importance of following up strategy implementation with monitoring of the effectiveness of the strategy. (1-2 hours) Training Objectives

Using Transition Assessments to Write Measurable Postsecondary Goals
Discusses the legal requirements for transition assessment, a transition assessment framework, and how assessment results are used to develop postsecondary goals, transition services, and related curriculum. (2-3 hours) Training Objectives

Writing Effective Transition Individual Education Plans (TIEPs)
This updated training provides an in-depth view of the wide variety of transition planning activities. From transition assessments through the potential deferment of the standard diploma and participation in an 18-22 program, this training provides information and guidance. TIEPs play an essential role in guiding the transition planning process. (2-3 hours) Training Objectives

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