Districts by Region
Promising Practices Transition Sites
School-Based Enterprises
Florida is broken up into 6 geographic regions, each with its own Project 10 Regional Transition Representative (RTR). Select a region to view a list of its districts or navigate directly to a district using the table at the bottom of this page.
Region 1 - Northcentral Florida
List of Districts
Tracy Dempsey, Region 1 Transition Representative
Region 2 - Northeast Florida
List of Districts
Leigh Ann Hale, Region 2 Transition Representative
Region 3 - East Central Florida
List of Districts
Kim Thorne, Region 3 Transition Representative
Region 4 - West Central Florida
List of Districts
Federico Valadez, Region 4 Transition Representative
Region 5 - South Florida
List of Districts
Lisa Friedman-Chavez, Region 5 Transition Representative
Region 6 - Northwest Florida
List of Districts
Nicole Klees, Region 6 Transition Representative
Please note: While district resources are updated regularly, resource information changes are ongoing. Consequently, if you are aware of any needed changes, please send the information directly to the Project 10 Regional Transition Representative (RTR) for that region/district. RTR contact information is available below.
Florida Virtual School (FLVS) is a statewide district and school choice option available to students and families. Regional Transition Representative 3 supports FVS, resulting in FVS being linked to Region 3 in the Project 10 Directory Map (Represented in Green).