Topical Briefs

Topical Briefs can be accessed using the links below. Check back often as we publish a new Topical Brief every two (2) months.

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Current Topical Briefs

August 2024 - Secondary Transition Research Summary

May 2024 - 30th Annual Florida Division on Career Development and Transition (FLDCDT) VISIONS Conference Recap

March 2024 - 18-22 (Extended Transition) Programs for Students with Disabilities

January 2024 - Project 10 Winter Institutes

December 2023 - Writing Measurable Postsecondary Goals to Positively Impact Post-School Outcomes

September 2023 - A Potpourri of Topics

July 2023 - Legislative Review

May 2023 - VISIONS Conference - Project 10 Highlights

March 2023 - Secondary Transition Research Summaries

February 2023 - Graduation and Postsecondary Readiness

Past Topical Briefs


December 2022 - Deferment Requirements and Procedures

September 2022 - 2022 Transition Services and Programs Uniform Best Practices Project

June 2022 - Self-Determination

March 2022 - New and Updated Project 10 Publications and Trainings


December 2021 - Transition-Related Legislation

October 2021 - Attendance Awareness

July 2021 - Student Attendance and Engagement: Recovering from the Coronavirus Pandemic Plus - A New Toolkit from Attendance Works!

May 2021 - Florida College and Career Transition (CCT) Clubs: Supporting Positive Post-Secondary Outcomes for Students

March 2021 - The Florida Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Parent Survey: A Catalyst for Growth of School-Family Partnerships

January 2021 - Work-Based Learning Experiences (WBLEs) at a Distance