Project 10 has three padlets, a site that holds publications that can be easily found and downloaded. The three Project 10 padlets include the following:
A New Opportunity! This year Project 10 is adding a QR code to selected publications that opens an evaluation to collect input from you, our constituents! The publications with an asterisk (*) after the title contain the evaluation. Your insight will help us to improve how we serve you. Please take a moment to share your impressions with us.
The intended audience for this series includes school and program personnel, including teachers, vocational rehabilitation counselors, employment specialists, guidance counselors, mental health specialists, and juvenile justice personnel who work with transition-aged youth and young adults, as well as families and students with disabilities.
Check back often for additions and updates.
Below are descriptions of our current publications. To download a specific publication, select it from the Documents & Files box on the right side of this page or from the hyperlinked publication titles below.
Benchmarks for Middle School Transition Planning*
Families and other transition stakeholders can support their middle school students to transition to high school and beyond by helping them to accomplish these benchmarks. These activities are organized around the predictors of post-school outcomes which indicate the experiences that help students transition to adult life. This publication is also available in Haitian Creole - Nòm pou Planifye Tranzisyon nan Lekòl Pre‐Segondè and Spanish - Referencias para la planificación de la transición de la escuela intermedia.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Course Substitutions: The Who, What, When, Why and How*
This document guides districts in identifying CTE courses that can be substituted for required content-related courses. It provides a comprehensive, step-by-step process, including the development and use of course content alignment tables. Additionally, it includes relevant resources and links from the Florida Department of Education.
Career and Technical Education: Enhancing Educational Experiences in Middle School, High School and Postsecondary Education*
This product explains how Career and Technical Education (CTE) emphasizes real-world skills and practical knowledge within a student's career of interest. From grades six through postsecondary education, CTE is a pathway that helps students earn certificates and degrees that lead to employment. This product is also available in Haitian Creole - Fòmasyon Pwofesyonèl ak Teknik: Amelyore
Eksperyans Edikatif nan Premye Sik Segondè,
Lekòl Segondè ak Edikasyon Apre Segondè and Spanish - Educación vocacional y técnica: Mejoramiento de las
experiencias educativas en la escuela intermedia,
escuela preparatoria y educación postsecundaria.
Community-Based Instruction: An Instructional Strategy
This guide provides assistance to schools implementing community-based instruction (CBI) and includes strategies in the vocational domain. CBI is an evidence-based practice that can help schools to meet students' education and transition needs.
Considering Age of Majority, Transfer of Rights and Decision-Making Options
This resource describes the age of majority and what families and schools can expect with the transfer of rights from the parent to the student at age 18. New related legislation that went into effect on July 1, 2023 is included. Other topics addressed in this resource are an overview of decision-making options from guardianship to supported decision-making and a list of additional related resources. This product is also available in Haitian Creole - Lè nou Konsidere Laj Majè a, Opsyon pou Pran Desizyon yo ak Transfè Dwa yo
Laj Majè ak Transfè Dwa yo and Spanish - Considerar la mayoría de edad, la transferencia de derechos y las opciones de toma de
Dropout Prevention Flowchart
The Dropout Prevention Flowchart assists school personnel to identify students who have dropped out of school in order to support and encourage them to return to school and resume working toward earning their standard diploma. Use the flowchart to determine where a student is on the dropout prevention flowchart. Find the possible next steps to restore a graduation pathway and retrieval tips.
Educational Acronyms and Abbreviations
This list of acronyms and abbreviations can assist you to decode the educational alphabet soup you may encounter in written communications or in meetings/webinars.
Florida's 18-22 Transition Programs Chart
This chart includes information on programs and activities for 18-22 year-olds in the state. Specific program categories, names, and activities, along with the districts offering them, are described in this document.
Glossary of Terms
This glossary provides brief explanations of terms used by people who work with students with disabilities. Different school districts may use these words in somewhat different ways. Always feel free to ask for definitions of words being used to describe a student or the student's educational plan.
Graduation Options Chart
This document includes two graduation options charts. Each of them contains detailed descriptions of all the credit requirements for each of the common graduation options. The first chart describes graduation requirements for students who entered 9th grade prior to the 2023-24 school year and the second chart describes graduation requirements for students who entered 9th grade in or after 2023-24. This product is also available in Haitian Creole - Tablo Opsyon Gradyasyon and Spanish - Tabla de opciones de graduación.
Graduation Success Toolbox
The Graduation Success Toolbox is a collection of strategies, interventions and resources that can be used by districts, individual schools and/or school teams to support students' secondary progression, dropout prevention and graduation success. The toolbox is structured into three parts: district-focused strategies, interventions aimed at students and methods for monitoring student interventions.
Helpful Online Transition-Related Resources
Project 10 developed this list of resources to support teachers and transition stakeholders who are teaching and providing transition services to students with disabilities through distance learning methods. The core of the document is focused on five separate courses, including the following: Self-Determination, Transition Planning, Career Preparation, Career Experience and Preparation for Adult Living. The course requirements for students are described in four tables and include curriculum, instruction, lesson plans and video resources to support instructional development.
I'm Determined: Self-Determination Parent Checklist
This checklist will assist parents and students to better understand the self-determination skills the student possesses. Alternately, the checklist can become a list of skills the student needs to develop.
Project 10 Brochure
The Project 10: Transition Education Network Brochure briefly describes our mission focus which is "To support Florida school districts and relevant stakeholders in building capacity to provide secondary transition services to students with disabilities in order to improve their academic success and post-school outcomes". The State Performance Plan (SPP) Transition-Related Indicators are described and Project 10's Four Primary Initiatives are shared. Contact information for Regional Transition Representatives and Project 10 Administration is included.
Project 10's Postsecondary Options At-a-Glance
This document summarizes the various options available for students following their exit from K-12 enrollment. Included in the summary are the names of the postsecondary options and a brief description and relevant considerations of each option. When used digitally, this document also contains numerous embedded hyperlinks to direct resources.
Project 10 Training List and Regional Transition Representative (RTR) Contact Information
This one-page handout displays the training options available from Project 10 staff and identifies the indicators to which they are related. The back of the handout includes a map of the Project 10 regions and the contact information for the Regional Transition Representatives (RTRs).
Project 10 Website Handout
This one-page handout provides an introduction to the Project 10 website by outlining the major features of the website. This handout can help you find where the information you are seeking is located.
Secondary Transition Roadmap for Families*
This resource assists families to become familiar with graduation and post-school options available to students with disabilities. This sixteen-page booklet shares easy-to-follow directions that guide families and students toward transition destinations, including high school graduation and beyond. The Secondary Transition Roadmap for Families is also available in Haitian Creole - Tranzisyon Segondè Plan Detaye pou Fanmi yo and Spanish - Hoja de ruta para las transición de secundaria para las familias.
Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy Guide*
This guide provides an overview of self-determination and self-advocacy which includes the following: definitions, teacher-led instruction, instructional strategies and the requirement to consider the student's need for self-determination instruction in the individual educational plan (IEP). This publication is available in Haitian Creole - Gid pou Oto-Detèminasyon
ak Oto-Defans and Spanish - Guía de autodeterminación
y autodefensa.
Standing Up For Me - Plus (SUFM+)
The SUFM+ curriculum has been updated at the high school level and is available for use. Contact the Regional Transition Representative for your region to schedule a training and receive access to the curriculum.
Student Educational Rights Checklist
This checklist provides a list of educational rights to which students in Florida are entitled. The rights are grouped by the age at which students first receive them. These rights go into effect when students turn 12 or enter the 7th grade, whichever occurs first, and continue until students exit high school.
Student Engagement Best Practice Checklist*
This checklist and action plan is a tool to assess how well your school or
district implements best practices for improving graduation rates and
decreasing dropout rates.
The 411 on the Big 5: Sharing Transition-Related Information with Students with Disabilities and Their Families
This resource offers vital information, including contacts and links, regarding five organizations outlined in Section 1003.5716, Florida Statutes, dedicated to assisting students and their families with secondary and postsecondary transition. These organizations comprise the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD), Division of Blind Services (DBS), Florida Association of Centers for Independent Living (FACIL), Florida Center for Students with Unique Disabilities (FCSUA), and Vocational Rehabilitation (VR). The provided information is organized to address three fundamental inquiries: 1) How each agency supports transition-age youth with disabilities, 2) The process and age requirements for students to apply for agency services, and 3) Key insights that families and school districts should grasp regarding each agency.
Transition Requirements Checklist*
This is a comprehensive checklist of transition requirements that provides age-specific details about when they should occur in the Transition Individual Educational Plan (TIEP). Updated 12/14/23 with legislative updates originating in House Bill 173 (HB 173).
Transition Assessments Chart
This chart provides a list of formal and informal transition assessments that range from aptitude tests to questionnaires and interest inventories. Information about finding the assessments online is provided.
United States Department of Education - Keys to Success: Attitude, Self-Advocacy, and Preparation - Postsecondary Education Guiding Questions
This document contains guiding questions and recommendations for families of youth with disabilities to help prepare them for postsecondary education. For example, "Does your youth understand his/her disability? Youth should know their strengths, interests and which accomodations have helped them be successful in learning. Youth with disabilities also need to know how the nature of their disability impacts their learning."
2022 Transition Services and Programs Uniform Best Practices
The 2021 Florida Legislature passed, and Governor DeSantis signed into law, House Bill (HB) 173, requiring the Florida Department of
Education in collaboration with the Project 10: Transition Education Network to review existing transition services and programs for
students with disabilities to identify best practices. This document lists the best practices that emerged from data that was collected in this review process. The best practices listed here
are being used uniformly (90% and above) or prevalently (51% to 89%).
2023-24 Project 10 Annual Report
Project 10 writes an Annual Report at the conclusion of each year to describe the accomplishments of the past year. In this particular report, 2023-24 Annual Report, the project's activities and achievements are described. Topics that are described include the following: federal transition indicator data for the state of Florida; evaluation data for Project 10 trainings; evaluation of participant learning; the development of early warning systems; Project 10 padlet resources; Project 10 website usage; and more.
Note: You may contact your Regional Transition Representative (RTR) to schedule a training.