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Training On Request

The training presentations listed below are available to school district personnel and instructional staff upon request. Please contact the Regional Transition Representative (RTR) for your region to schedule training. RTR contact information is available by clicking on your county or region on the Florida map found at

Presentations may be tailored to district needs and available time. Most presentations can be adjusted to fit in a 1 to 3 hour time frame. The Project 10 Overview is shorter, as noted below. Average times are listed in parentheses.

Most training is offered at the school district level. However, RTRs may also provide regional train-the-trainer sessions for the Standing Up for Me curriculum which focus on building district capacity to teach student self-determination and participation in the Individual Educational Plan (IEP) process. RTRs also schedule Regional Institutes in the winter months where speakers and planning activities address topical issues related to one or more of the four IDEA transition indicators. 

NEW! Project 10 Technical Assistance and Training Brief: Improving Graduation and Dropout Rates for Secondary Students with Disabilities
This brief focuses on Project 10 technical assistance (TA) and training to improving graduation and dropout rates at the school/district level. Three key areas of TA are to assist school and district personnel in working with student data, development of graduation tracking system, and coordination with existing initiatives. Sample activities and recommended training are also listed.

Training List 

Project 10 Overview 
Reviews Project 10 resources, strategies, and initiatives including capacity building, interagency collaboration, transition legislation and policy development, and student development and outcomes. (30-45 minutes; 45-60 minutes with website tour)
Locked PDF for Preview:

An Introduction to Successful Grant Writing 
Discusses questions related to program and grant planning, grant proposal basics, winning proposals, and grant-writing tips and resources. (2-3 hours)

Building Work Skills for Employment Success: Strategies and Resources 
Reviews state and national employment initiatives and transition services, identifies work skills and attitudes as well as gaps in today’s workforce and provides resources for teaching working skills. (60-75 minutes)

Community Resource Mapping 
Describes community resource mapping and prepares participants to complete a community resource map as well as utilize a community resource map to identify available resources and needs. (2-3 hours)

Conducting Focus Groups 
Describes steps in planning for and conducting a focus group. This presentation includes a toolkit in which participants will complete the steps in preparation for conducting their site focus group. (2-3 hours)

Developing Interagency Transition Teams
Describes the essential elements of effective interagency teaming and collaboration, the process of forming a team, and activities and information for interagency transition teams.   (2-3 hours)

Discovery Process for Students in Transition, Part 1: Overview of the Discovery Process in Florida
As the first part in a three part training on the Discovery Process for potential Discovery Team Facilitators, this training provides an overview of the history and benefits of the Discovery Process, in addition to resource identification for implementation. (2-3 hours)  

Discovery Process for Students in Transition, Part 2: Developing Florida Discovery Student Profiles, Representational Portfolios, and Visual Résumés
As the second part in a three part training on the Discovery Process for potential Discovery Team Facilitators, this training provides information on interviews and observations as well as the Student Discovery Profile, representational portfolios and visual résumés. (2-3 hours) 

Discovery Process for Students in Transition, Part 3: Customized Employment/Work Experience Planning Meeting and Job Development
As the third part in a three part training on the Discovery Process for potential Discovery Team Facilitators, this training provides guidance on preparing for and conducting the customized employment/work experience planning meeting, as well as steps for job development. (2-3 hours)    

Dropout Prevention for Students with Disabilities, Part 1: Florida's Current Status 
Presents information on Florida dropout and student exit survey data; discusses dropout risk factors, prevention strategies, and state and national promising practices. (2-3 hours) 

Dropout Prevention for Students with Disabilities, Part 2: Strategies for Improvement
Presents information on graduation success and dropout prevention tools, including Check and Connect and Florida's effective practices. (2-3 hours)

NEW! Graduation Requirements
Graduation requirements change from time to time based on legislation. Each year, the Florida Department of Education publishes a flyer that describes the high school graduation requirements for students entering grade nine. This training was adapted from an online professional development course developed in partnership with the Project 10: Transition Education Network, the Florida Department of Education, and The Personnel Development Support Project at the Florida Center for Interactive Media. This training will focus on topics related to graduation requirements including: college and career readiness skills; graduation rates for Florida’s students with Disabilities; Florida high school completion options, including those restricted to students with disabilities; and the necessary criteria for students with disabilities to defer receipt of the standard diploma.
(2-3 hours) Locked PDF for Preview:

Introduction to Secondary Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities
Defines secondary transition, identifies key components of secondary transition planning in Florida, discusses importance of moving from compliance to outcomes in secondary transition and identifies evidence-based practices and resources for secondary transition planning. (2-3 hours)

Job Development
This training is intended to familiarize exceptional student education teachers and transition staff with the basics of evidence-based strategies for job development for students with disabilities. This training expands on the current online module. (2 hours) 

Project 10 CONNECT: Project Expectations for New Sites 
Details expectations for new Project 10 CONNECT interagency council sites, delineates methods for determining current status and needs in secondary transition, identifies basic components of action planning and lists methods of information dissemination to stakeholders. (1-2 hours)

School-Based Enterprise Development: Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating 
Provides supporting research and describes a process with brainstorming activities for planning and implementing a School-Based Enterprise. (2-3 hours)

Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy
This training is intended to introduce exceptional student education teachers and transition staff to the basics of evidence-based strategies for developing self-determination and self-advocacy skills for students with disabilities and expand on the current online module version. Objectives include a review of federal and state legislation related to self-determination and self-advocacy, definition of key terms and concepts related to the self-determination and self-advocacy skills for students with disabilities, outline of the steps of effective self-determination and self-advocacy instruction, and identification of additional resources for educators. (2 hours)

Service Learning
Describes what service-learning is, explores phases and steps for developing a service-learning program, provides examples of the K-12 service-learning standards, summarizes research on the impact of service-learning on students and identifies service-learning resources and tools. (2-3 hours)

Standing Up For Me
The  Standing Up For Me curriculum was developed in Florida and designed to advance the self-determination and self-advocacy skills of youth in Exceptional Student Education (ESE).The 2012 version of this curriculum covers the primary, intermediate, middle and high school grades and includes classroom materials, activities, and evaluations.  (4-6 hours)

Students Transitioning to Adult Roles (STAR) Person-Centered Planning (PCP)
Shares the vision and goals of the STAR PCP process as well as describes the participant roles and the steps and related documents used throughout the process. The STAR PCP was designed to ensure students with disabilities who are transitioning into postsecondary programs have the opportunity to plan their own future with the support and encouragement of other adults in their lives.

The Florida Summary of Performance: Requirements and Suggested Practice
Walks participants through the components of the Florida SOP with examples and discusses additional considerations such students with special diplomas and resources. (2-3 hours)

Transition Basics: A Guide for Families
Reviews research on importance of family involvement, transition services, individual educational plan (IEP) components, self-advocacy and self-determination, responsibilities of schools, families and students, and resources supporting family involvement in transition planning. The goal of this training is to help families of students with disabilities understand the secondary transition process and how best to participate for student post-school success.

Using School-level Data to Increase Graduation Success of Students with Disabilities: An Early Warning System (EWS)
Details how schools and districts can use early warning system (EWS) data to promote timely graduation and post-school success. This training will include information on how to access and utilize data to impact graduation rates at the school level and interventions to help students graduate. In addition, effective practices implemented in other districts across the state will be shared. (2-3 hours)

Using Transition Assessment Data to Write Measurable Postsecondary Goals 
Discusses the legal requirements for transition assessment, a transition assessment framework, and how assessment results are used to develop postsecondary goals, transition services, and related curriculum. (2-3 hours) 

Utilizing Data to Diagnose then Treat: Program Evaluation and Improvement 
Discusses the importance of district data and where to find it, identifies strengths and challenges using self-assessment results, and explains how data can be used for capacity building to improve outcomes. (60-75 minutes) 



The development of this website was funded by the University of South Florida St. Petersburg
through a grant by the Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services,
Florida Department of Education (2010 - 2011, 291-2621A-1C008).

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