Indicator 14 - Postsecondary Outcomes
Strategies and Resources

This page describes Indicator 14 of the State Performance Plan required by IDEA 2004 and lists strategies for improvement and resources. Indicator 14 of the State Performance Plan required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 is the percent of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school and were:

  • Enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school
  • Enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school
  • Enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training program, or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school.

Strategies for Improving Indicator 14


  • Access Florida Education Training and Placement Information Program (FETPIP) data and ensure accuracy.
  • Review and analyze multiple years of FETPIP data to determine whether an area is consistently problematic (e.g., employment rate, postsecondary education rate, both).
  • Determine if there are trends among groups (e.g., exceptionality, gender, and race) from FETPIP data.
  • Disseminate data related to Indicator 14 to all relevant stakeholders (e.g., administrators, teachers). 

Policies, Procedures and Practices

  • Review district and school policies and procedures to determine if existing policies or procedures may be impacting postsecondary outcomes (e.g., no paid employment programs while students are in school).
  • Review inter-institutional agreements and interagency agreements to determine if provisions need to be changed or added to improve postsecondary outcomes.
  • Identify and implement evidence-based practices that are known to impact employment and/or postsecondary education outcomes (e.g., non-paid and paid work experience, self-determination instruction).

Training, Professional Development, and Technical Assistance

  • Identify areas of need and develop a schedule of professional development activities designed to impact postsecondary outcomes (e.g., training in supported employment, training in self-determination, participation in PDA-ESE Transition or Interpersonal Interactions and Participation Modules).
  • Solicit training and/or technical assistance from Project 10: Transition Education Network, other Bureau IDEA funded state projects, and/or the Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services (BEESS) to improve outcomes.

Resources for Improving Indicator 14

National Resources

Moving Your Numbers - Key Practices
Moving Your Numbers provides examples of real districts that are positively affecting the performance of all children, including students with disabilities, through a collective and focused commitment to improving teaching and learning for every student through effective data use and changing the ways in which adults across the system work and learn together. The Key Practices section of this website features subpages on each of the six key practices such as using data well, focusing on goals, selection and implementation of instructional practices and monitoring and provision of feedback and support, among others and including a Key Practices Guide.

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT)
NTACT is a partnership between the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the University of Oregon, Western Michigan University, the Transition Coalition at the University of Kansas and TransCen, Inc. NTACT serves as a transition resource for state and local educational agencies and vocational rehabilitation agencies and service providers. Announcements, resources, and webinars are available on the website. A free NTACT account may be needed to access many of the NTACT resources.

State Resources

Florida Department of Education - Education Information and Accountability Services (EIAS) Publications and Reports

Florida Department of Education - Graduation Requirements

Florida Virtual Campus 
Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) operates a suite of centralized, shared services that support all 40 public colleges and universities in Florida. FLVC develops free services that help students prepare for and succeed in college, and ready themselves for rewarding careers after graduation.

Internal Resources

Project 10 - Career Development

Project 10 - Community-Based Instruction

Project 10 - Employment

Project 10 - Postsecondary Options

Project 10 - Publications

Professional Development

Professional Development Alternatives (PDA)
Both a PDA-ESE Transition Module and Interpersonal Interactions and Participation Module can be found on this site.