Resources - State Legislation & Policy

Employment First Initiative
Florida became an Employment First state by Executive Order in October, 2013. Employment First is both a philosophy and policy. It means that employment is the first option for all individuals, including those with significant disabilities.

Employment Transition Plan Template and Instructions
Project 10 developed an Employment Transition Plan Template and Employment Transition Plan Instructions with the Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services (BEESS) to guide school district staff in the completion of the employment transition plan, which is required by section 1003.4282(11)(2)(a-d).
This plan must be completed for any student with a disability for whom the individual educational plan (IEP) team has determined that mastery of academic and employment competencies is the most appropriate way for a student to demonstrate his or her skills. It is recommended that school districts build flexibility into the plan to ensure student mastery of competencies and success in the workplace.
Please note: Districts are not obligated to use this template. The template is available in Microsoft Word which enables users to modify the plan to fit the need of the student.

End of Course Assessment Results for Students with Disabilities
This June 27, 2011, Memorandum from the Florida Department of Education addresses two questions regarding End of Course assessment results for students with disabilities. 

Florida Department of Education, Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services (BEESS) Publications and Presentations 
This website features a variety of BEESS publications, slide decks and pre-recorded webinar presentations, including one on Secondary Transition from October 2021.

Florida Department of Education (FDOE) College and Career Planning 
This page contains a variety of resources, tools and links to support students' career exploration and postsecondary planning. The page is organized into the following domains: Online Career Planning and Work-Based Learning Coordinating System; Additional Career and Postsecondary Exploration Resources; National Service Exploration; and Educator Career Readiness Resources.

Florida Executive Order on Employment of Persons with Disabilities
Governor Rick Scott issued Executive Order 13-284 on October 8, 2013, to affirm Florida's commitment to the employment of persons with disabilities, define employment as integrated paid employment, and develop and implement an interagency agreement among agencies. The cooperative agreement will formalize state efforts and maintain the focus on specific objectives for improving opportunities for persons with disabilities. 

Graduation Requirements
This web page from the Bureau of Standards & Instructional Support contains information on graduation requirements and resources, course standards and descriptions, instructional materials and library media, assessments, and school and state data publication and reports.

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) Questions and Answers
The following Questions and Answers on Secondary Transition and Letters were issued by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSER) in the U.S. Department of Education:

Dear Colleague Letter on Students with Disabilities in Correctional Facilities (December 5, 2014) (pdf)

OSERS Questions & Answers on Secondary Transition (September 2011) (pdf)

Secondary Transition, Florida Department of Education
The Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services has created a webpage with state and national resources, state contacts, regulations and general information on secondary transition for parents, educators and professionals.