District Resources
Promising Practices Transition Sites
School-Based Enterprises
Bradford County resources related to the transition of students with disabilities are provided in multiple categories in the box to the right. Some resources may be included in more than one category.
Student/Family Resources
Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD)
University of Florida-Gainesville
Greg Valcante, Ph.D., Director |
352-273-0581 | (352) 846-3458 | (800) 754-5891
2046 NE Waldo Road, Suite 3200, Gainesville, FL 32609
Provides information and consultation to individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and related disabilities as well as instruction and coaching to families and professionals through a training and assistance model.
Center for Independent Living (CIL) of North Central Florida
William Kennedy |
(352) 378-7474
222 SW 36 Terrace, Gainesville, FL 32607
Provides information and referral services, advocacy, independent living skills training, peer counseling and support for persons with significant disabilities who seek independence and self-reliance.
Corner Drug Store (CDS)
Robert Sharpe |
CDS Family & Behavioral Health Services, Inc. is a private 501(c)(3) non-profit social services agency that has provided services in North Central Florida for over 40 years. While CDS’s many individual programs serve a wide variety of community needs, they all fall under the umbrella of the organization’s mission statement, “Strengthening Communities by Building Strong Families.” We target familial strength through prevention, counseling, and youth shelters.
Dr. Karen Welch |
(352) 486-5240 ext. 2057
Enhances the system of care for families and students with emotional disabilities through facilitation, collaboration and direct intervention, as well as research and development, with a network of key stakeholders
Special Olympics Florida
Steve Wittek
(352) 340-7945
Provides year-round sports training and competition in a variety of Olympics-type sports for people with intellectual disabilities.
Social Security Administration
Kay Louder, District Manager |
Social Security is committed to helping maintain the basic well-being and protection of the people we serve. The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program pays benefits to you and certain family members if you are "insured,” meaning that you worked long enough – and recently enough - and paid Social Security taxes on your earnings. The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program pays benefits to disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources.