Tallahassee Collegiate Academy
District Resources
Promising Practices Transition Sites
School-Based Enterprises
Tallahassee Collegiate Academy resources related to the transition of students with disabilities are provided in multiple categories in the box to the right. Some resources may be included in more than one category.
Local School District Resources
Tallahassee Collegiate Academy
Exceptional Student Education Director
Sonja Reed | sonja.reed@tsc.fl.edu
444 Appleyard Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32304
(850) 201-8339
Dean of Students
Matthew Gregory | Matthew.Gregory1@tcc.fl.edu
(850) 504-6307
Department of Juvenile Justice
Kathleen Rodgers, Transition Specialist | rodgersk@leonschools.net
850-487-7525 | 850-410-1249 ext. 3161
2757 West Pensacola Street, Tallahassee, FL 32304
Supports youth returning from DJJ programs to re-enter school, assist with transferring and receiving educational records and provide information to other districts on local school options for returning DJJ students.
Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS)
Heidi Granthum, Program Coordinator | granthumh@leonschools.net
(850) 561-6545
Provides diagnostic and instructional support services to district exceptional student education programs and families of students with exceptionalities statewide.
Multiagency Network for Students with Emotional Disabilities (SEDNET)
Anne Bozik, SEDNET Region 2B Project Manager | bozika@nefec.org
1018 Thomasville Road
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Enhances the system of care for families and students with emotional disabilities through facilitation, collaboration and direct intervention, as well as research and development, with a network of key stakeholders.
Tallahassee High School/High Tech
Ability 1st (CIL of North Florida)
Carrie Milhous, HS/HT Project Coordinator | carriemilhous@ability1st.info
(850) 575-9621
Provides opportunities for students with disabilities and other at-risk students to explore potential future careers by determining their interests and aptitudes, providing mentors, offering job-shadowing and internships and providing leadership opportunities.