District Resources
Promising Practices Transition Sites
School-Based Enterprises
Collier County resources related to the transition of students with disabilities are provided in multiple categories in the box to the right. Some resources may be included in more than one category.
College/University Resources
Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) - Office of Adaptive Services
Barbara Fuentes, Accommodations Specialist |
(239) 590 7997
Educates students with disabilities about their legal rights and responsibilities, provides services and accommodations and promotes self-determination and self-advocacy so that all students with diagnosed disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities and achieving their academic and personal goals.
Florida SouthWestern State College - Adaptive Services
Collier Campus
Suzanne Gopman, Student Success Advisor II |
(239) 732-3930
Educates students with disabilities about their legal rights and responsibilities, provides services and accommodations and promotes self-determination and self-advocacy so that all students with diagnosed disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities and achieving their academic and personal goals.
iTransition: A collaboration between Immokalee High School and Immokalee Technical College
Immokalee High School has an extended transition program for students with developmental disabilities ages 18-22. These students receive postsecondary education and career and technical training at Immokalee Technical College (ITECH). The training areas include: Business Technology, Culinary Arts, Construction Technology and Multimedia Design. ITECH's mission is to open as many doors as possible for students to achieve training at the highest levels possible. More information regarding the iTransition program may be accessed here.