District Resources

Miami-Dade County resources related to the transition of students with disabilities are provided in multiple categories in the box to the right. Some resources may be included in more than one category.

Local School District Resources

Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) - Exceptional Student Education
(305) 995-2037

Exceptional Student Education
Patrick Salmasi, Administrative Director |
Yvonne Leon, District Director |

Exceptional Student Education Transition Contact 
Raydelin Munoz, Executive Director |

Foster Care District Liaison 
Dr. Guillermo Munoz, Office of District Operations & Special Programs |      

Adult Education

(305) 558-8000

Career and Technical Education  (CTE)
Cindy Thienard-Pierre, Curriculum Support Specialist |
Main Office: (305) 693-3030

Department of Juvenile Justice
Daniel Wynne, Transition Contact |
(305) 694-4445
Supports youth returning from DJJ programs to re-enter school, assists with transferring and receiving educational records and provides information to districts on local school options for returning DJJ students

Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS)
Carmen Molinaris, Lead Curriculum Support Specialist/Human Resources Development |  
(305) 274-3501  
Provides diagnostic and instructional support services to district exceptional student education programs and families of students with exceptionalities statewide.

The Parent Academy
Alina Gallego, Ed.S., Director of Community Outreach |
(305) 271-8257
A service of Miami-Dade County Public Schools that offers free classes to parents on topics as diverse as adult basic education, health and wellness, parenting, bullying prevention, Internet safety and financial management

Multiagency Network for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities (SEDNET)
Daryl Castro, Project Manager |
(305) 598-2436
Enhances the system of care for families and students with emotional disabilities through facilitation, collaboration and direct intervention, as well as research and development, with a network of key stakeholders

Florida District Map
South Florida - Purple Region - 5