District Resources
Promising Practices Transition Sites
School-Based Enterprises
Madison County resources related to the transition of students with disabilities are provided in multiple categories in the box to the right. Some resources may be included in more than one category.
Local Agency Resources
Agency for Person with Disabilities (APD)
Lynne C. Daw, Area 2 Administrator
(850) 487-1992
Supports persons with developmental disabilities (spina bifida, autism, cerebral palsy, Prader-Willi syndrome and mental retardation) in living, learning and working in their communities.
Brain & Spinal Cord Injury Program (BSCIP)
(850) 245-4045
Provides direct case management and resource facilitation for people with brain and spinal cord injuries including acute care, inpatient/outpatient rehabilitation, transitional living, assistive technology, home and vehicle modifications, nursing home transition facilitation and long-term supports for survivors and families through contracts with community-based agencies. Children receive services from Children's Medical Services staff.
Children’s Medical Services (CMS) - Florida
Tallahassee Office: (850) 487-2604 | (800) 226-2604
Panama City Office: (850) 872-4700 | (800) 299-4700
Offers programs for children and young adults with special needs including health services, child protection and safety, child and family information, early intervention and child development and newborn screening provided by highly qualified physicians, nurses, social workers and other healthcare providers
Division of Blind Services
Panama City: (850) 872-4181
Tallahassee: (850) 245-0370
Toll Free: (800) 672-7038
Provides services to persons who are blind, have severe visual impairments and have disabling conditions that make it difficult to read regular print including early-intervention education to children from birth to 5 years of age, a school-to-work transition program, independent living services, job opportunities in food service and Braille and talking book library services
(850) 245-3440
Works with people who have physical or mental disabilities to prepare for, gain, or retain employment and find meaningful careers
Lighthouse of the Big Bend
(850) 942-3658 I
3071 Highland Oaks Terrace, Tallahassee, FL
Lighthouse of the Big Bend serves individuals, from birth through life, who are legally blind seeking to be independent or maintain their independence after losing vision. Some of our Services: Techniques of independent daily living, Communication (reading, writing, phone), Assistive technology including computers, Orientation and mobility (moving safely around the home and community), Employment skills, Recreation and leisure activities, Individual and family adjustment counseling.