District Resources
Promising Practices Transition Sites
School-Based Enterprises
Brevard County resources related to the transition of students with disabilities are provided in multiple categories in the box to the right. Some resources may be included in more than one category.
Local Agency Resources
Agency for Person with Disabilities
(407) 245-0440
Supports persons with developmental disabilities (spina bifida, autism, cerebral palsy, Prader-Willi syndrome, Intellectual Disabilities and Phelan-McDermid Syndrome) in living, learning and working in their communities.
BAC (Brevard Achievement Center)
Amar Patel, President |
Robert Gramolini, VP for Employment |
Provides numerous employment services and adult day training to adults with any documented disability who are 16 years of age or older. Persons must be able to care for themselves. Services include Vocational assessment, job coaching, follow along, vocational training, employment services, supported employment, adult education, transition services, supported living and adult day training.
Center for the Visually Impaired
(386) 253-8879 I
1187 Dunn Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
The Center for the Visually Impaired is a non-profit organization devoted to serving blind and visually impaired individuals. Our aim is to enhance the lives and opportunities of our clients through job training, and employment, Independent Living, Technology coaching and children’s offerings as well as a multitude of local services. To make sure that blind and visually impaired individuals lead successful lives in their workplace, at home, and in their community, the Center for the Visually Impaired’s ongoing commitment to our mission has been established since 1988.
CMS Network (Children’s Medical Services)
Offers programs for
children and young adults with special needs including health services, child
protection and safety, child and family information, early intervention and
child development and newborn screening provided by highly qualified
physicians, nurses, social workers and other healthcare providers.
(321) 639-5888
Children's Home Society
(321) 752-3170
We protect and heal children. We build and strengthen families. We rescue and embrace teens struggling to survive on their own.
Department of Children and Families - Circuit 18
(321) 604-4273
Provides information and/or services for adoption, child care, family safety, financial assistance, foster care, refugee services and mental health.
Division of Blind Services
(321) 634-3680 | (877) 506-2729
Provides services to persons who are blind, have severe visual impairments and have disabling conditions that make it difficult to read regular print including early-intervention education to children from birth to 5 years of age, a school-to-work transition program, independent living services, job opportunities in food service and Braille and talking book library services.
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation - Brevard Units 13A & 13B
(321) 383-2775
Works with people with disabilities on Social Security Act benefits, eligibility and planning; work incentives; career development; and job placement.
Easter Seals
(321) 723-4474
Easter Seals Vocational Services is a premier provider of services specifically designed to provide a safe and encouraging environment for its participants while assisting companies with their daily needs for quality work and/or staffing requirement. This community-based program offers individuals with disabilities the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to deliver high-quality work to companies in the community. We work with each consumer and train them to develop quality skills and work habits. Services Include: Job coaching, career mentoring, follow along, vocational training, employment services, supported employment, adult education, transportation, adult day training, transition services and recreation activities.
East Coast Contract Industries (ECCI)
(321) 268-4388
ECCI serves developmentally and/or physically challenged adults. The program focuses on developing self-advocacy, independence and pre-vocational skills for all individuals. Training settings include pre-vocational, horticulture, arts and crafts and adult basic education. Community employment skills are addressed in our individually run store. Additionally, ECCI has a nurse on staff and consulting physical, occupational, CBA and speech therapists available to assess individuals regularly.
Resource Center for Disability Solutions
(321) 633-6011
Information & Referral; Independent Living Skills Training; Advocacy; Peer Support; Social/Recreational Opportunities; Low-cost Wheelchair Accessible Transportation; Sign Language Interpreter Referral Services; Specialized Telephones & Equipment for People Who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf/Blind or Speech Impaired; High School Transitioning Services; Accessibility Services; Volunteer Program, Notary Services.
The Arc of Space Coast
(321) 690-3464
This organization is committed to enhancing abilities of all individual with disabilities through family, education and community involvement. Services include Residential Living/Supported, Vocational Assessment, Vocational Training, Employment Services, Supported Employment, Job Coaching, Career Mentoring, Follow Along, Adult Educations, Transportation, Day Training Program, Transition Services and Counseling services.