District Resources
Promising Practices Transition Sites
School-Based Enterprises
Brevard County resources related to the transition of students with disabilities are provided in multiple categories in the box to the right. Some resources may be included in more than one category.
Local School District Resources
Brevard Public Schools - Exceptional Student Education
Director, Student Services Program Support
Dr. Kimberly Bias |
(321) 633-1000 ext. 11505
Assistant Director, Student Services Program Support
Dr. David O'Brien |
(321) 633-1000 ext. 11575
Transition Contact
Terry Matson |
(321) 633-1000 ext. 11549
Department of Juvenile Justice
Michael Folger, Transition Contact |
(321) 271-8092
Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS)
Perry Hilvitz, FDLRS East Manager
(321) 633-1000 ext. 11545
Provides diagnostic and instructional support services to district exceptional student education programs and families of students with exceptionalities statewide.
Multiagency Network for Students with Emotional Disabilities (SEDNET)
Kelly Sarria |
(321) 633-1000 ext. 321
Enhances the system of care for families and students with emotional disabilities through facilitation, collaboration and direct intervention, as well as research and development, with a network of key stakeholders.
BAC (Brevard Achievement Center)
Robert Gramolini |
(321) 632-8610
Offers transition support programs in partnership with Brevard Public Schools and community employers including - Practical Applications of Career Exploration (PACE) serves students in the high school Career Preparation course through career exploration activities including job shadowing experiences, "mock" interviews and the application of employability skills in the real world. - High School High Tech supports students in preparing for high tech jobs by participating in an after-school club and internships with high tech companies.
Bridges, Inc.
(321) 690-3464
Bridges provides job placement services to supported level Juniors and Seniors in area high schools, as well as job placement services at all four BLAST sites in Brevard. We also partner with Brevard Public Schools, Vocational Rehabilitation, The City of Palm Bay and other Palm Bay area businesses for a post-secondary program called Project SEARCH. This unpaid internship program offers hands-on work skills training within business settings throughout a full school year. The goal of Project SEARCH is to identify career goals, provide internships in those career fields and to assist with job placement upon completion of the program.