Indian River
District Resources
Promising Practices Transition Sites
School-Based Enterprises
Indian River County resources related to the transition of students with disabilities are provided in multiple categories in the box to the right. Some resources may be included in more than one category.
Student/Family Resources
The Able Trust
(850) 224-4493 (Voice/TDD) | (888) 838-2253
Supports non-profit vocational rehabilitation programs throughout Florida with fund-raising, grant making and public awareness of disability issues with the goal of assisting Floridians with disabilities in achieving employment
Aktion Club
(800) KIWANIS (5492647) ext. 390
A community-service group for adult citizens who live with a disability that provides opportunities for developing initiative and leadership skills, serving the community, integrating into society and demonstrating the dignity and value of citizens living with disabilities.
AmeriCorps/Volunteer Florida - Tallahassee
(850) 921-5172
Provides opportunities to meet community needs through one or two-year service commitments to community and national nonprofits. Participants learn collaboration, communication, leadership and other life skills while earning a modest living allowance with health and education benefits.
ARC of Indian River County
Jose Rivera, Supported Employment |
(772) 562-6854 ext. 219
Provides support and services to persons with disabilities, enabling individuals to lead self-determined lives.
Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) - Florida Atlantic University
Maryellen Quinn-Lunny, Director |
(561) 221-3436
Provides information and consultation to individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and related disabilities as well as instruction and coaching to families and professionals through a training and assistance model.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services - Treasure Coast
(772) 335-9966 (TDD)
Serves the needs of the deaf and hard of hearing, and speech impaired in Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee and St. Lucie Counties
Easter Seals
(561) 882-6425
Easter Seals Vocational Services is a premier provider of services specifically designed to provide a safe and encouraging environment for its participants while assisting companies with their daily needs for quality work and/or staffing requirement. This community-based program offers individuals with disabilities the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to deliver high-quality work to companies in the community. We work with each consumer and train them to develop quality skills and work habits. Services Include: Job coaching, career mentoring, follow along, vocational training, employment services, supported employment, adult education, transportation, adult day training, transition services, and recreation activities.
(800) 470-8101
Assists in providing information and services to people with developmental disabilities and their families; also advise the (Agency for Persons with Disabilities) on the needs of self-advocates and their families.
Family Network on Disabilities
Rich La Belle, Executive Director |
(727) 523-1130 | (800) 825-5736
Network of individuals who may be at-risk, have disabilities, or have special needs and their families, professionals, and concerned citizens; programs include Parent Education Network (PEN); Transition, Independent Living, Employment & Support (TILES); Florida Parent Information and Resource Center (PIRC); and Parents Educating Parents in the Community (PEP).
Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (F.A.A.S.T.)
(850) 487-3278 | (888) 788-9216
Provides advocacy and awareness activities that increase access to and acquisition of assistive services and technology including a loan program to try out assistive technology (AT), assistance with purchasing AT, an emergency AT fund, and information on affordable housing.
Jody Hays, FDLRS Galaxy Director |
(772) 429-4690
Provides diagnostic and instructional support services to district exceptional student education programs and families of students with exceptionalities statewide.
Florida Inclusion Network (FIN)
Laura Verry Sidoran |
(321) 433-7964
Provides learning opportunities, consultation, information, and support to educators, families, and community members to promote all students learning together in a welcoming environment that incorporates integrated services, supports, and curricula that are effective and research-based
Florida Youth Leadership Forum (FYLF)
Innovative, intensive four-day leadership training program for rising high school juniors and seniors with disabilities that explores personal leadership, academic and career planning, etiquette, technology innovations, disability law, networking and more
Multiagency Network for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities (SEDNET)
Dr. Francine Harper |
(772) 429-4537
St. Lucie Public Schools Office of Exceptional Student Education
9461 Brandywine Lane
Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
Enhances the system of care for families and students with emotional disabilities through facilitation, collaboration, and direct intervention, as well as research and development, with a network of key stakeholders
Special Olympics
Kyle Townsend |
(352) 243-9536
Provides year-round sports training and competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for people with intellectual disabilities