District Resources
Promising Practices Transition Sites
School-Based Enterprises
Pinellas County resources related to the transition of students with disabilities are provided in multiple categories in the box to the right. Some resources may be included in more than one category.
Student/Family Resources
Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD)
Jeff Smith, Suncoast Region Manager
(800) 615-8720
1313 North Tampa Street, Suite 515, Tampa, FL 33602
Works in partnership with local communities and private providers to assist people who have developmental disabilities and their families. APD also provides assistance in identifying the needs of people with developmental disabilities for supports and services. The agency serves more than 50,000 Floridians with the following disabilities: People severely impaired by Autism, Cerebral palsy, Spina bifida, Intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, Phelan-McDermid syndrome. This office services DeSoto, Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas and Sarasota Counties.
(727) 799-3330
It is the mission of The Arc Tampa Bay to support and empower people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. The Arc Tampa Bay provides an array of services that provide the opportunity for personal growth and development.
Boley Center
727) 821-4819 | (TTY) 727-499-0002
Serving individuals with mental disabilities, the homeless and youth in Pinellas, Hillsborough and Manatee Counties
Career Source Pinellas
(727) 524-4344
Provides a full array of employment and training related services for job seekers, workers, youth and businesses. May include Disability Program Navigators, Vocational Rehabilitation counselors and Veterans Services on site
Creative Clay Cultural Arts Center
(727) 825-0515
1846 1st Avenue South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33705
Mission is to provide expressive, educational and vocational opportunities for people with obstacles to arts access.
Directions for Living
(727) 524-4464
Our mission is to be a welcoming and compassionate provider, advocate and partner to children, adults and families in need of integrated healthcare, social support, safety and hope for the future.
Disability Achievement Center
(727) 539-7550 | (866) 539-7550
Serving people with all disabilities of all age groups and their families in Pinellas & Pasco Counties
Division of Blind Services
Mireya Hernandez, District Administrator
(813) 871-7190 | (800) 757-7190
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
St. Petersburg Units 14B and 14C
Lori Kennison, Supervisor 14B
Chantal Jimenez, Supervisor 14C
(727) 217-7930
St. Petersburg Unit 14D
Renee Brown, Supervisor
(727) 552-1589
Largo Unit 14A
Jamie White, Supervisor
(727) 518-3467
Works with people who have physical or mental disabilities to prepare for, gain, or retain employment and find meaningful careers
Family Center on Deafness
(727) 648-4968 | Video Phone: (727) 235-6285
Provides a varied support system through which families with deaf and hard of hearing members (D/HH) can build upon their assets in addressing personal goals
Family Network on Disabilities Statewide
(800) 825 5736 | (727) 523-1130
2196 Main Street, Suite K, Dunedin, FL 34698
We are the state of Florida's Parent Training and Information Center
(727) 523-1512
Helps people achieve full potential through the dignity and power of work. Their mission is accomplished through employment services, independence preparedness services and affordable housing.
Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital
Autism Center
(727) 767-8035
Provides complete assessment, diagnosis and treatment services for autism spectrum disorder from infancy to 10 years of age
Lighthouse of Pinellas
(727) 544-4433 ext. 258
Comprehensive rehabilitation training for blind or visually impaired individuals in Pinellas County
Operation PAR and Substance Abuse
(727) 545-7564
Juvenile and family treatment services are provided at the Academy for Behavioral Change. Services are provided for substance abuse and mental health, including co-occurring populations.
Pediatric Developmental Medicine
(727) 767-8035
Provides assessment and management services for children with neuro-developmental and related learning disorders from birth to 15 years of age
Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority
(727) 540-1800
The public transit provider in Pinellas County, Florida, provides more than 13.1 million passenger trips in 2010
Placement Works
Serving individuals with disabilities that present an Impediment to employment with obtaining and maintaining employment
(727) 798-4564
Ready for Life/Beyond Foster Care
(727) 631-1778
Helps current and former foster youth “age out” of foster care in Pinellas County by providing a link between the youth and the many resources available to assist them.
Service Source
(727) 600-8920
Offering rehabilitation and employment services to people with disabilities
VSA Florida
(813) 974-0721
VSA focuses on professional development related to building inclusive learning opportunities where every student experiences significant learning in and through the arts.